

Argo16 is the new name adopted by Spazio Aereo Cultural Association, which after four intense seasons has now been renewed. But its core has not changed: the association remains a self-financing and independent place, open to meaningful and innovative artistic and cultural movements, both at a local and an international level.

Argo16 is a platform meant to support and enhance contemporary performing arts in all their forms through events, workshops and information material, as well as by forming occasional partnerships with other organisations with similar aims; a meeting space open to different forms of communication, languages and audiences; a place for professional training in the fields of performing arts and entertainment; a space which can offer a variety of cultural activities thanks to its equipment and versatility, and which aims at a long-term sustainable project, in a moment when culture lacks support from institutions.

Cultural Association Spazio Aereo/Via delle Industrie 27/5 Marghera, VE
Cultural Association Spazio Aereo/Via delle Industrie 27/5 Marghera, VE